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제 8 호 “A Clinic to Cure Your Fear of English” Interview with Prof. Samuel Alexander Denny, Jr.

  • 작성일 2020-12-06
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 14472

Kicker: SM NEWS

“A Clinic to Cure Your Fear of English”

Interview with Prof. Samuel Alexander Denny, Jr.

by Nam-HoYunReporter


  Studying English can be hard and challenging sometimes. In fact, studying alone makes it harder for you to make actual progress. To help out students who are stressed out because of learning English, Sangmyung University is providing a clinic that can ease the pain of speaking or writing English. To find out more about the clinic, The SM Herald sat down with Prof. Samuel Denny from the Department of English Education on November 16, 2020 (socially distanced of course).

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Would you introduce yourself for the students who don’t know about you?

  I come from Fort Worth, Texas in the US, and I have been teaching here since March of 2006, for almost 15 years. Starting as far back as the beginning of my time at Sangmyung, I have been teaching at the English Village, which is now called as the GLC, Global Language Center, in addition to teaching my undergraduate classes as well as classes at the Continuing Education Center. At the GLC, we run small group classes where students can study in a more relaxed atmosphere. I really love teaching these classes because they are more intimate, and there is more time for me to get to know the students more closely. Therefore, teaching these clinic classes has been one of my additional duties that I have had since day one. That is also the reason why I have taught these classes pretty much every semester, and I still enjoy doing it.

What actually is the English clinic?

  It is basically a tutoring class. We offer two different types of classes: face to face classes and group classes. Face to face, or one on one classes are individualized tutoring where I am there to answer any questions or English learning needs. In other words, these classes focus on each student’s needs. They can talk about anything they want to. It can be free talking or specific issues they have regarding English. On the other hand, group classes have a maximum of ten students. As a small group, we choose a topic for each week. They generally run for about 4 weeks. For example, a common topic might be “your favorite restaurants near our university.” Then, students can share information about the different restaurants or cafes near our campus that they like. Or it could be something like their favorite movies. Once the topic is decided, each student prepares a short talk about the topic. Then every time a student finishes his/her speech, other students ask questions about the talk. This goes on until the last student gets some questions. In short, it is a series of Q&A back and forth.

Can students choose between the two?

  Yes, it is their choice. When you register for the clinic, the staff at the GLC will ask you which one you would like to participate in. However, you have to keep in mind that, students can participate in only one individual class in a semester. For the group classes, students can join as many times as they want, as long as we have enough students to fill a class.

What can you brag about the clinic?

  Anybody who is serious about learning English needs to use English “a lot”. Students often complain to me about how hard it is to find the actual place to practice English in Korea. It is like a hidden gem on our campus; very few people seem to know about it. Besides, you will probably have to pay some money to do the same thing if you go to a hak-won. However, this clinic is free of charge, and it also gives you 2 points of extracurricular activity! Thus, I really wish more students would know about it, and take advantage of these programs.

How does the clinic prepare for the global pandemic?

  Due to the spread of coronavirus, we have moved everything online. Last semester, I ran the programs using Zoom, the online meeting program. However, we are now using the Webex system that our university is recommending for this semester. As you know, the health and safety of our students is obviously the most important thing. Hence, we will continue to hold it online until the situation is much better.

  Frankly, I think the need for this clinic is even greater because of (or thanks to) the global pandemic. Lots of students feel isolated staying at home. They might want some interaction with other students or someone to talk to. If you cannot come to campus but want to engage with not only me, but also other students, this is a great chance for you and your English skills.

What is the main reason for students to participate in the programs?

  It is mainly because they want to practice their English. I think a lot of students just feel that they do not have any opportunity to genuinely practice English. They like English, and they want to improve it. Yet, the students do not have enough chances in Korean society to use their English. That is why most students come to the clinic.

Are there any memorable moments about the clinic?

  This was one of my clinic classes. At the end of the semester, they brought a cake for me, which was very meaningful. They were very thoughtful. Although this picture was taken many years ago, I still remember these students. Furthermore, at the end of each semester, I used to share a meal together with the group classes somewhere nearby our campus. The students were always from different majors. Getting to know each other and watching them making new friends made me smile.

  Fortunately, we take a photo at the end of each clinic class. No wonder why I have so many happy memories about it, right? (Chuckle)

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What is your advice to the students who are having a hard time with English?

  You need to find something related to English that motivates you. It could be something like a TV drama such as Friends or Modern Family, which has many seasons you can watch for an extended period of time. Watching movies, making foreign friends or listening to pop music can be exciting and joyful ways to learn English. Each student is going to be motivated in a different way. With that being said, you need to find whatever it is related to English that you are into. 

  There is no magic way to master English. If you really want to be good at English, you need to be exposed to it frequently. It will be difficult at first for you to learn English all by yourself. However, I am always here to help you. 

  2020 is now coming to an end. Of course, it has been a rocky year with so many bad and sad things happening. Still, you should not let this year go like this. If you could not go out and enjoy the campus life while being unmotivated, it is a great time to join the English Clinic with Prof. Samuel Denny for your English and new relationships. John F. Kennedy, the former president of the United States once said, “In a crisis, be aware of the danger – but recognize the opportunity.” It is time for you to seize the opportunity.

  For those who are interested in the clinic, you can visit the Sam-mul portal and go to the Peerorum page to register. (portal.smu.ac.kr/sm/common/Peerorum.do) For more information about the programs, you can call the GLC at 02-2287-5380 or email: kimyj9016@smu.ac.kr.

Sources: Interview, Samuel Alexander Denny, Jr., Professor of English Education at Sangmyung University, 2020.11.16
